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  • Writer's pictureadonaldsonsr

From time to time i like to take time out and write out my perspectives on life

Updated: Oct 17, 2018

As I stated i write based on my personal perspectives on things i do not expect you to agree with 100 percent on what i see and my visions but i appreciate the fact that you are willing to take time out to read on how and why i feel the way i do on certain things

How it all began

For me it all started approximately 10 years ago when i was approached by a man named Vesal that was interested in recruiting a then 21 year old me into the Shriner organization based on me drinking and talking about my perspectives on life its self then i had an older black guy ask me was i Ann son my mother and he described her to a tee and from their he volunteer to help me learn how to properly speak on 5% knowledge and guide me in freeing my self from the cusp of society grips and i followed and started leading marches and teaching others from their i came to this point

if you have 10 seconds let me reintroduce you to yourself

a brief about me

I was born march 28th 1987 to Elizabeth Ann Donaldson i was her 8th pregnancy the only one that was a success the other attempts was ended in miscarriages thru my life that plague will be stated quite often in my youth when i lived with my grandmother and drug addicted uncles who many times told me my mother should have either aborted me or miscarried me as she did the siblings i never had the fortune of having but sadly in my spirit i feel a deep connection with them all and an ability to communicate with them how ever my mom never gave birth to them but she did raise to of my female cousins whom i feel are my sisters and i lost my mom when i was 18 never meet my paternal parent how ever i have meet his other son my younger brother who also happens to be my god brother irony i also now have a son of my own i hate that i am not on his birth-certificate and he does not have my last name,e at the moment me and his mother almost had a second child together but she aborted it which hurt me tremendously and still hurts from time to time yes it would have been my 2nd bio child and her third but i think on it if the woman had my child when i was 18 and that one it would have been my 3rd as well but that's not here or there i still feel my deceased siblings and children are part of who i am

now you know a but learn my views .


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